During our adventure in Italy, we noticed the ways Italians move about in their cities. In some cases, it is completely different from what can be observed in Wrocław or London. Transport on the streets of Italian roads differs primarily in pedestrian privileges, or more precisely, their lack. In other words, drivers occasionally give way at pedestrian crossings. We were intrigued by the everyday life of Italians and what they do every day. To find out, we conducted a survey among the inhabitants of Udine and Tarcento.
Which means of transport do you use most often?
(we also included other means of transport in the survey, but none of the respondents chose them)
How often do you use public transport?
(None of the respondents chose the options rarely, often)
How do you rate the comfort of public transport?
(the respondents did not choose any other answers)
Is using the public transport convenient for you?
(the respondents did not choose any other answers)
How often are you stuck in the a traffic jam on the road?
our respondents
However, the most interesting and different transport system from the ones we know can be found in Venice. If you want to learn more about it, check out this article about Venice: